
Tag Archives for: "education"

Interview with NoviSign’s CEO – what is digital signage?

Q: Hello Gil, it is great to speak to you today, how are you?
A: I’m good, thanks. Happy to be here!

Q: Let’s jump right in: your company (Gil is CEO and Co-Founder of NoviSign), is providing Digital Signage Software over the cloud. What is Digital Signage?
A: Digital Signage started as the digital evolution of the traditional ‘physical signage’, but the technology, combining network, software, hardware and IoT capabilities, has become so much more than that. Digital Signage started as a dynamic sign that, using the right software, can be easily designed and managed from anywhere at any time and evolved […]

Digital signage in public libraries

The world is changing rapidly in the last few decades, this is clear to all. Important establishments, behaviors and business lines are long gone… (Remember the Automatic Video Machine? Asking people in the street for directions?). Surprisingly enough, the public libraries are not dead, and even flourishing! How can it be? I believe the reason is the social impact. People still need and want to interact and the public libraries is a great place to do so, if you need to study.

Digital Signage for public libraries is also becoming a great way to communicate with the visitors of the public […]

Everything you need to run a digital sign at your school

A decade ago, the amount of effort, expense and expertise required to successfully operate a digital signage screen at school was beyond the scope of small educational facilities. Digital signage for education is now one of the most growing markets in the signage world.

So, what would one need to successfully install, manage and broadcast to a Digital Sign in a small educational institute?

I will divide the needs into phases. First would be the hardware setup. Second would be the software and content management setup, last would be the ongoing content building and digital signage management.

Hardware and prerequisites:

A screen. It […]