Throughout the ages our enjoyment of food and drink has been about much more than mere taste and flavor. We first eat with our eyes and our visual delight enhances our sense of pleasure. Consequently, the restaurant industry is investing time and effort into creating dishes that are aesthetically impressive. We see this attitude reflected in a myriad of foods, ranging from skillfully designed cappuccino foam to elegantly handcrafted patisserie towers. In light of this, drab and boring printed menus, combined with customer associations, seem like an unexciting and impractical way to communicate with customers. Digital signage for bars and restaurants provides a dynamic and stimulating alternative that can be beautifully designed.
Customer Service
Digital signage for bars and restaurants allows you to communicate with customers from the very first moment, anywhere in the establishment, without investing in unnecessary manpower. There are numerous stages in the customer flow in restaurants and bars, from the initial entrance to receiving the bill. Signage software is dynamic and flexible allowing you to adjust messages and offerings in relation to timing, situation and mood. The openness, entertaining and dynamic nature of the platform will appeal to visitors and work in your favor.
Advertising and Marketing
Customers waiting for their food to be prepared or to order from a bar or kitchen are a captive audience. Delicious images of dishes, kitchen tour videos and ticker sales offers can all entice customers to order more. Signage provides the perfect platform for bars and restaurants to market themselves by advertising new menus, sharing information about the healthiness and calorific value of ingredients and showing off the expertise that staff have to offer. Additional strategically located digital signs in bars and cafes can promote special sales and club cards.
Social Media
With new interactive digital signage software restaurateurs and bar owners can take advantage of social media activity happening right on their premises. Posting selfies, checking in on Facebook, and writing online reviews are just some of the social media actions that happen in cafes and bars. Modern signage software can split the screen between different features, including the option of displaying social content. This enables any customer to have their posts and photos broadcast in public fulfilling their desire to be seen on the big screen.
Events and Competition
Digital signage allows businesses to respond to relevant social and cultural events and also helps them to react quickly to the activity of competitors with special offers and specific content. This can be done on a network level within a franchise or independently in one particular branch. Intelligent use of digital signage with social media content, sales ticker messages and inviting images can help to encourage consumers and boost sales.