About Nir Doron

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Meanwhile let's just say that we are proud Nir Doron contributed with 48 entries.

Entries by Nir Doron

10+ Years of Android Digital Signage

10+ Years of Android Digital Signage

At the beginning there was darkness and Chaos and iOS ruled the world… Google had to put up a fight and fast. So they did. They acquired a small start up called Android Inc. and released its first smart phone open source operating system at 2007, 15 years ago!. Since 2010 Android is the most common portable devices operating system.

When I came to Gil, NoviSign’s CEO, and offered him to establish a company to develop an open, cloud based Digital Signage solution, at 2009, he said no, there is no standardization, the players are too complicated to implement, too expensive […]

Digital Signage Dashboards

Digital Signage Dashboards

It is now clear to almost any type of organization that sharing information, KPIs (Key Performance Indicator, business status, Success and even failures is effective and even critical for the atmosphere, sense of belonging and even healthy internal competition.

The Organizational digital teams are struggling to find the right way to spread the internal communication (Sometimes referred to as I-Com team). Since employees are overloaded with all sorts of messages from E-mails (too many!) WhatsApp’s (way too many!) personal and work related, it is sometimes hard to “Catch” their attention for internal communication.

Recently, we see many Companies adopt Digital Signage as […]

Digital Signage supporting covid-19 vaccination process

The Digital Signage industry was recruited among many others in the battle against the spread of Covid-19 Pandemic around the world. Digital Signs posted rapidly to reduce the human friction and the likelihood of getting infected, in order to provide communications, instructions, wayfinding, “Traffic light” services for store occupancy and even Alcogel (See NoviTizer as a great example).

In the coming months, the world will face one of the most complicated, yet very optimistic logistical and operational, challenge – the efficient spread of Covid-19 caccines across maximum, prioritized according to set of guidelines population, in minimum time.

Again, among other […]

Top 5 Digital Signage Software solutions

Looking for the right Software solution is always complicated. It was complicated 10 years ago when you had to read articles, decide which one you wanted to test, download, install and run on-premise installation and then run the test cycles and verify the results. Compare to other software solutions, pricing plans and then decide on the best money value solution.

In recent years the cloud-based software solutions simplified some of the process, on the other hand – the offerings had grown significantly and still the process is long and tedious.

For Digital Signage software, the decision about the right software is as […]

Hand sanitizer advertising kiosk

As the new Corona objects are taking over the public sphere, items like Thermometer, Facial Masks and Hand Sanitizers are clearly here to stay.

The hand sanitizers are actually, most probably going to stay with us even long after the Coronavirus drama is be behind us. The importance of hygiene is sinking well in everyone’s minds.

Out of all the new processes, behaviors and objects we will adopt, the hand sanitizer can actually be harnessed for business promotion, by upgrading it to hand sanitizer advertising kiosk.

The business owners and managers of businesses at any size can use the obvious need for hand […]

Carousel slideshow digital signage

As Digital Signage is becoming increasingly popular with small and medium businesses. We, as digital signage software vendor, invest significant effort from time to time to ‘investigate’ our customers (both partners and end users) about the usage of their Digital Signage, and whether they are really utilizing the NoviSign Platform capabilities in full.

The recent discoveries are surprising, and not. Most of our customers and users are simply using Carousel Slideshow Digital Signage… It is surprising, as we did expect our customers to use more and more of our advanced features (IoT, audience measurement, interactive widgets and so on) – […]

Signage as a Service

We are all familiar with the common term SaaS – Software as a Service. Usually, it indicates a subscription model of paying for the right to use a multi-tenant, cloud-based application that can serve simultaneously a large number of users running the same version and maintenance level for all.

This technology is here with us for more than 2 decades, and it is not going anywhere, in fact, the number of use cases is growing, the number of solutions moving to the SaaS mode is in its peak.

There is another SaaS though – Signage as a Service – […]

How to turn people into walking billboard?

Everything is digitized these days, connected. you can see it everywhere. It used to be the Cell phones that rapidly became Smartphones, but nowadays no one even looks at the Smartphone, they look at the Smart Watch (which is physically located 20 centimeters from the Smart Phone it is connected to. Amazing, isn’t it?

Digital signage and digital billboard technology is actually a part of this ongoing digitization – no one wants to see an old, irrelevant printed sign, when the alternative is always relevant and updated content that is ever changing, dynamic and even interactive. The digital […]

Digital Display Software

So many screens and different displays are surrounding us everywhere – on the street and in the subway, at the school/university and at the break room at work. The Displays are in different sizes and shapes, and most of them present some kind of content which is not a broadcast TV channels. Most of them, you’ll be amazed, are running simple content that was pre-loaded by disk-on-key flash drive (memory stick) or even by DVD players (!) – yes it seems like this technology is somehow still alive. It is good to see that no one uses the good old […]

Interview with NoviSign’s CEO – what is digital signage?

Q: Hello Gil, it is great to speak to you today, how are you?
A: I’m good, thanks. Happy to be here!

Q: Let’s jump right in: your company (Gil is CEO and Co-Founder of NoviSign), is providing Digital Signage Software over the cloud. What is Digital Signage?
A: Digital Signage started as the digital evolution of the traditional ‘physical signage’, but the technology, combining network, software, hardware and IoT capabilities, has become so much more than that. Digital Signage started as a dynamic sign that, using the right software, can be easily designed and managed from anywhere at any time and evolved […]