About Nir Doron

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Meanwhile let's just say that we are proud Nir Doron contributed with 48 entries.

Entries by Nir Doron

Digital Directories

Everyone needs directories from time to time. Indeed, Google maps and Waze made the need for directories while you’re driving redundant (and the never-ending jokes about the husband that refuses to ask for directions and keeps getting lost), but we all get lost, need guidance, directions and other information, especially in huge buildings, campuses and other compounds. Digital Directories is becoming one of the most cost effective and efficient solution for this problem.

Interactive touchscreen directory and digital signage solutions for office buildings are becoming more and more common as the implementation and software costs are reducing. Some digital signage software […]

RFID for digital signage, is it here?

The fact that digital signage is one of the most effective, and therefore popular “sales promoter” at almost any size of business, is clear for more than a decade. It took some time for smaller businesses to adopt digital signage as it was perceived as a very expensive and “heavy” solution. The cost of digital signage components reduced over the years, and the cloud based software solutions for signage made it even more cost effective and simpler to implement.

RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) has long-term relations with retail, and even with smaller businesses as an innovative method of creating a trigger […]

Smart webOS LG TV display for 329 USD

Get a whole signage equipment for 329 USD!
Look at the photo: for 329 USD, you can buy (in the U.S.A.) a smart LG TV of 49″ for only 329 USD. Believe it or not.
Now, when we have a digital signage app for webOS (LG smart TV’s operating system), you can buy the LG smart TV as an all-in-one device (TV display and built-in signage device), connect internet (WiFi or Ethernet cable), install our webOS signage app and your digital signage is ready to go!

Please notice that our webOS digital signage software app has still partial functionality (vs. our Android, Windows, […]

Get your opening hours on a screen at your door

Sometimes we have a vision and we imagine great things, practice innovative thinking (or the newest buzzword – design-led), and we miss the small daily solution that are nearby, sometimes as close as… well, your doorstep…

Digital signage had evolved significantly in the last decade, it moved from proprietary designated servers to the cloud, from high cost, specifically manufactured players and screens to commodity screens and low-cost players you can find at any electronics store. From video editing based software to modern, widget based CMS (Content Management System), from long, costly multi-disciplinary implementation to (almost) one-click-deployment. But still, we can still […]

Display Sales Force on big screens

Sales force and digital signage? What’s the connection? You may probably ask… Well these are legitimate questions, I think. Let me try to answer.
The fact that digital signage has been picking up really fast for small and medium businesses across all domains, categories and lines of businesses, is well known. SMBs are using signage to connect to their customers and visitors, and what was used only by the largest organizations is now a common practice, for almost any size of organization. One of the impacts of the wide spread of digital signage is that it was discovered by the HR […]

Lobby display software

You sit in a hotel lobby, sometimes in a foreign country and it might be that even if you ask someone (the concierge?) you might miss something that is out there – in the city you are in, maybe close by, or even closer than you think – at the hotel itself.

Off course, the hotel makes the right effort to catch your attention, but these days, when everyone is caught up with their cellphones, the only thing that might distract them is a bother screen – dynamic, relevant and location based. Digital signage for hotels is all about […]

Advertising Display Systems (ADS)

As digital signage keeps growing and penetrating more and more business areas, we can see sub-domains of digital signage creating, some of them are growing a “life of its own” and become another professional line of business under the big digital sign “umbrella”.

One of these sub-domains is ADS (Advertising Display Systems, some call it “Ad Display Signs”). While ADS contains most of the traditional digital signage components, the uniqueness of the ADS is all about advertising, preferably in venues/markets that didn’t have the ability to present dynamic advertisements – hotels, hospitals, bars, taxis, buses and trains are immediate examples that […]

Digital signage companies

When one is looking for a digital signage company, what exactly is he looking for? A full turnkey digital signage solution? Maybe digital signage software? Or simply digital signage hardware provider? All of them?

Let us start by saying simply: there is no one company, at least that I’m aware of in over a decade in this domain, that provides, in house all of the digital signage components. I’m also convinced this kind of company will not survive in this business. You can’t do everything in the best professional level.

In the very basic search for digital signage you will find […]

Corporate Digital Signage for Internal Communication

Communication is crucial for success – at almost any type of field. In management it is clearly one of the fundamentals, and for large, multinational, multi-site corporates that manage thousands of employees, from different countries, cultures, languages and most likely different lines of businesses – the internal communications is no less than critical KPI.

The traditional methods of internal communication were usually division/site/companywide mail distribution lists. This was, and still is, somewhat effective, but not perfect. These days we are overloaded with mails. The internal communications mails are rarely perceived as critical and therefore left ‘marked as unread’ for long time, […]

Digital signage industry – is it really growing?

I believe that the digital signage industry started from airports and other transportation hubs. This was the most basic implementation. It was followed by large organizations, mainly in retail and fast food, as always it would be probably safe to say that McDonald’s was the first to implement digital menu boards.

With time, and mainly due to technological evolution that caused the drop of digital signage cost of implementation – just to name a few: cloud based CMS, cost effective H/W for signage (Android and Chrome based), significant reduction of high quality large TV screens the adoption of tablets and […]